The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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TOADWare Software Systems TOADWare Software Systems
1990 Product Catalog 1990 Product Catalog
DStuff - The Colorful Information Package . . . . . . . . . . 1 DStuff - The Colorful Information Package . . . . . . . . . . 1
DUtil1 - The DStuff Utilities Package #1 . . . . . . . . . . 2 DUtil1 - The DStuff Utilities Package #1 . . . . . . . . . . 2
DFormat - The Fast and Colorful Floppy Disk Formatter . . . . 2 DFormat - The Fast and Colorful Floppy Disk Formatter . . . . 2
BackTo - The DOS EXIT Reminder Program . . . . . . . . . . . 2 BackTo - The DOS EXIT Reminder Program . . . . . . . . . . . 2
SysInfo - The System Information Program . . . . . . . . . . 3 SysInfo - The System Information Program . . . . . . . . . . 3
SysLog - The System Usage Tracking Program . . . . . . . . . 3 SysLog - The System Usage Tracking Program . . . . . . . . . 3
DRolodex - The Resident Rolodex Program . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DRolodex - The Resident Rolodex Program . . . . . . . . . . . 3
MstrCopy - The Floppy Disk Duplication Program . . . . . . . 4 MstrCopy - The Floppy Disk Duplication Program . . . . . . . 4
Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
TOADWare Software Systems TOADWare Software Systems
12138 Persimmon Terrace 12138 Persimmon Terrace
Auburn, Ca. 95603 Auburn, Ca. 95603
TOADWare Software Systems TOADWare Software Systems
DStuff - The Colorful Information Package DStuff - The Colorful Information Package
The DStuff package contains 4 programs to show you the most
needed information about DOS directories, dBase III and IV
".DBF" files, SEA ".ARC" files, and PKWare ".ZIP" files.
Also included is a program to re-direct information sent to
the LST device (printer) to any other device or file.
DOS directories Did you know DOS allows files and even DOS directories
directories to be hidden from you? By using
special flags (called file attributes) data,
programs, and even entire directories can be
created on a disk (floppy or hard) and the
DIR command won't show them to you!
With D - The Colorful Directory Program you
will be shown all of the files in a directory
(even if they are hidden) along with their
file sizes and attributes. If a file has been
changed, hidden, or created you'll know it!
Nothing on a disk can be hidden from you with
D - The Colorful Directory Program.
D - The Colorful Directory Program has a rich
set of command line options that allow you to
change the display colors, select sort
options, select display options, and use the
EGA/VGA 43/50 line modes if desired!
".DBF" files With DDbase - The Colorful DBase Information ".DBF" files
Program you can see all of the header
information in a ".DBF" file without
executing dBase III or IV.
".ARC" files DArc - The Colorful "Archived" File Program ".ARC" files
will show you all of the entries in a SEA
"ARC" file, their file sizes, the compression
method, and the space taken when un-
".ICE" files DIce - The Colorful "Iced" File Program will ".ICE" files
show you all of the entries in a LH "ICE"
(fromally LHA) file, their file sizes (both
compressed and un-compressed), the
compression method, and the space taken when
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TOADWare Software Systems TOADWare Software Systems
".ZIP" files DZip - The Colorful "Zipped" File Program ".ZIP" files
will show you all of the entries in a PKware
"ZIP" file, their file sizes (both compressed
and un-compressed), the compression method,
any comments, and the space taken when un-
DUtil1 - The DStuff Utilities Package #1 DUtil1 - The DStuff Utilities Package #1
The DUtil package is a collection of programs designed to
enhance the daily operation of you computer. Included are
programs to delete all ".BAK" files from a drive, control
you EGA/VGA blanking (timed blanking, suspend blanking,
immediate blanking), clean (remove erased entries), pack,
sort your directories, and find the differences between
different versions of a document file.
DFormat - The Fast and Colorful Floppy Disk Formatter DFormat - The Fast and Colorful Floppy Disk Formatter
This fast menu driven Floppy Disk formatter will take the
confusion out of disk formatting. All disk formats from 360K
5 1/4" to 1.44M 3 1/2" are supported. Each menu options is
described in plain english so the operator has no need to
remember any command line options. An extensive help
function has been written to help the operator use the
program with confidence.
Features: Features:
Format floppy disk drives only.
Up to 4 drives available.
Separate configuration information for each drive.
Volume labels allow lower case characters, spaces, and
Format entire disk (2 times faster than DOS).
Re-format used disk (3 seconds).
Directory displayed if disk has data.
Fully Menu Driven.
Extensive help included.
BackTo - The DOS EXIT Reminder Program BackTo - The DOS EXIT Reminder Program
Many programs allow you to exit to DOS with a message saying
"Type EXIT to return". But how many times have you forgot
what you did and re-started the program and got an Out of
Memory message? BackTo will help to remind you by modifying
your command line to show the file name of the program you
exited from. Now you will not only know that a program is
waiting for you to return but what program it is!
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TOADWare Software Systems TOADWare Software Systems
SysInfo - The System Information Program SysInfo - The System Information Program
Ever wonder what is really going on in your computer? There
are other system information programs that will show you a
few simple pieces of easily obtained information but SysInfo
will tell you everything DOS know about your system (both
hardware and software). You'll learn:
What hardware exists and how its configured.
What the system defaults are.
What software drivers (.SYS) are loaded and where.
What TSR's are loaded and where.
What software is linked into the software interrupt chain.
What software is linked into the hardware interrupt chain.
What memory is allocated and by which program.
SysLog - The System Usage Tracking Program SysLog - The System Usage Tracking Program
Syslog will allow you to keep track of everything you did,
when you did it, and how long it took on a monthly basis.
Syslog intercepts all of your commands at the system level
and stores them along with any command line options, and
start time in a log file. When you have completed a task the
elapsed time is also save. Along with this information is
the idle (between commands) time is also saved. Each month
is saved automatically in its own file.
Included with Syslog is LogRpt which generates a report of
the activities by program, idle time, day, week, or month
which can be printed or save to a text file. The information
stored in the log file can also be exported to a dBase (III
or IV) compatible ".DBF" File.
DRolodex - The Resident Rolodex Program DRolodex - The Resident Rolodex Program
DRolodex is a small (under 3K) resident rolodex program that
maintains a list containing names, addresses, phone numbers,
and notes. Multiple files can be used and loaded at any
time. Simply pressing a two key combination will call up
DRolodex at any time, even while running another program!
Entries can be scanned by using the cursor keys, mouse, or
keyboard entry. Keyboard entry allows you to search for an
exact match or a partial match.
DRolodex comes with DRoloPrt a list report/label program.
With DRoloPrt you can select a single entry, entries from a
pick list of available entries, or by exact or partial
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TOADWare Software Systems TOADWare Software Systems
MstrCopy - The Floppy Disk Duplication Program MstrCopy - The Floppy Disk Duplication Program
There are many disk copy programs but they all have one of
two problems. Some like DISKCOPY (or XCOPY) won't allow you
to make multiple copies from each disk with out re-reading
the original diskette each time. Others (no names mentioned)
will let you make multiple copies but you still have to keep
a master disk that must be read at least once. You also have
to signal when a new master is to be used.
With MstrCopy once a master disk is read it can be saved to
you hard disk so you do not have to maintain a physical copy
of each master disk. This also speeds up the duplication
process since reading each master is bypassed.
MstrCopy will recognize a new master disk by detecting when
a write protect tab has been found. Once a master disk is
loaded you can save it to a disk file and/or start making
copies from it. If MstrCopy does not have enough memory to
load the entire disk into system memory then a temporary
disk file (on your hard disk) will be created. Or, if LIM
compatible expanded memory is available it will be used.
If an un-formatted disk is discovered during the duplication
process then the disk will be formatted while copying using
the same fast format process used by DFormat. Otherwise,
duplication will continue until the terminal count is
reached (default 9999), a new master disk is detected, or
the operator suspends the process.
MstrCopy will work with all popular DOS disk formats from
360K 5 1/4" to 1.44M 3 1/2" disks.
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TOADWare Software Systems TOADWare Software Systems
12138 Persimmon Terrace 12138 Persimmon Terrace
Auburn, Ca. 95603 Auburn, Ca. 95603